Critiques on her

I. V. first sang in the part of Fenena. She is a singer with a great and beautiful vocal range and a special sense of music.
Szabadság - Kolozsvár (Klausenburg) – Romania- 23 March 2000

Ildiko sang the aria with amazing technical knowledge and with the sublimity of a queen.
I. V.’s voice is remarkably special. Due the technical and artistic knowledge as well.
Morgunbladid (The most significant daily newspaper of Iceland)- Reykjavik- Iceland

I. V.’s secure rythmic and intonational presentation is followed by a dinamic and understandable speech.
Morgunbladid - Reykjavik- Iceland

This performance would have been good enough on any stage of Europe’s Opera Houses. I. V. played the part of Dorabella at a lusty voice and with sparkling humour.
Morgunbladid - Reykjavik- Iceland

I. V.’s singing, as usual, was versatile, artistic, and professional.
Morgunbladid - Reykjavik- Iceland

Every singer did an excellent job in acting, especially Ildiko Varga playing the role of Donna Elvira and Kristín Ragnhildur Sigurdardóttir playing the role of Donna Anna (…) because of their colourful acting and amazing singing.
Morgunbladid - Reykjavik- Iceland

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