Master Courses

1997/98 and 2001
As an active participant she attended the International Singing Master Course of Majk under the auspices of The Hungarian National Opera House. In 1997 she was Kolos Kovács’s, in 1998 Krisztina Laki’s, and in 2001 Maria Teresa Uribe’s student. She sang Habanera and Seguidille from Carmen by Bizet, and Eboli’s aria from Don Carlos by Verdi on the Galas.


- Attended the Singing Master Course of Kristján Jóhansson in Reykjavik. Active participant.
- Júlia Hamari’s Singing Master Course in Nagykovácsi, Linum Festival. Active participant. She sang the aria of Santuzza from Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana at the Gala of the best students.


- Singing Master Course at the Summer Academy of the University of Music in Nice. The student of Lorraine Nubar and Dalton Baldwin, the teachers of Juilliard in New York. She sang Ortrud’s aria—Entweihte Götter—from Lohengrin by Wagner and Brahms Von ewiger Liebe at the Gala.
- She got an invitation to the Schubertiade Festival to Schwarzenberg-Austria, to the Singing Master Course of Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. She considered it a great honour that the Organizing Commitee of the Festival paid a part of the tuition fee. The topic of the course: the songs of Hugo Wolf.


- Sándor Sólyom-Nagy’s and Imola Pogány’s Singing Master Course on Faculty of Music and Visual Arts of the University of Pécs. Active participant. Wagner: Wesendonck-Lieder.
- Erika Sziklay’s Singing Master Course on Faculty of Music and Visual Arts of the University of Pécs. Passive participant.
-Active participant at Walter Moore’s and Katalin Hegedűs Gönczy’s accredited Singing Master- and Continuation Course in Budapest. Wagner: Wesendonck-Lieder. She also took Alexander technique-lessons.
– She attended an Accredited Course of Sacred Music in Budapest. Active participant. Teacher: Tamás Bubnó.

– Active participant at the accredited Singing- and Continuation Course in Szombathely at the Bartók Seminar. Bartók: Bluebeard’s Castle, Judit.

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