Teaching career

2001/2004 – singing teacher in Iceland.

2004/2015 – singing teacher of the Agócsy László Music School in Pécs, Hungary.

2006/2012 – singing teacher at the Kolping Artistic Institution in Mohács, Hungary.

2007/2008 – singing teacher of the University of Arts Faculty of Music in Pécs, Hungary.

5 May 2008 – Portrait about the teaching and artistic work of Ildikó Rita Anna Varga. (Mohács, Csele TV.) Broadcasted on the local TV channel of Mohács.

2008/2013 – the idea of ‘SOUL-SOUND-SOUL’, developing a new method for sound formation and singing based on taking care of one’s soul.

A lot of her students have won different prizes and have been admitted at secondary and higher level music institutions. Some of her ex- and present students sing in the choirs of different opera houses.

2010. All right reserved