Qualifications, language knowledge

Qualifying as a nursery school teacher.

Having a degree as a singing teacher (BA) and a cultural organizer (BA), in JPTE in Pécs, Hungary.

Qualifying as an opera- and concert singer, Budapest.

2008 – having a degree as a singing teacher (MA) and a classical singer (MA) at the University of Arts Faculty of Music in Pécs, Hungary.

2008-2015 – The student of Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Graz. Studies of the history of music, Dr. phil/Ph.D. Her teacher: O. Univ. Prof. Dr. phil. Peter Revers. Theme of the Ph.D. Thesis: The Hungarian Reception-history of the Art of Richard Wagner.

24 March 2015 – Doctorate in music history. Dr. phil. (Ph.D.). Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Graz. Consulant: Peter Revers.

She speaks and writes in English, German and Icelandic.

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